
Load the XML file into the Catalyst ezParse UI

Create a new parse rule in Achemy Catalyst for the file that you wish to parse and open the file in the preview pane of the Alchemy Catalyst ezParse UI.

You will see a screenshot similar to the one below.

In the bottom left screen you will see the internal content of your XML file.

In the 'Mark-up' window you will see a tree structure of all of the elements and attributes in your XML file.

By double clicking on these elements and attributes in the 'Mark-up' window you can specify that you wish to localize the content of the attribute or element in Alchemy Catalyst.

You will know if an attribute or element is selected for insertion as an attribute will become yellow and an element green when selected.

By selecting the preview button at any stage you will see how the file will look when inserted into Alchemy Catalyst.


Specifying Inline Tags in the XML file

In the strings of your XML file you will often have inline tags which specify that text may be for example Italics or Bold etc. Typically you will not wish to have an individual string just because a piece of text is bold. Rather then breaking up the string you want to keep it together and have the tags displayed in the string in Alchemy Catalyst. Then the translator will know which phrase in the string should be bold and then the string can be translated and the required text place between the tags.

In the screenshot above you can see that the <B> and <I> tags are specified as being inline tags. This is done by selecting the inline check box across from the element in question. If you select preview you will then see how the string is inserted into Catalyst with the included Tags.


Specifying Strings to be locked in the XML file

You may also wish to have strings inserted into Alchemy Catalyst for contextual reasons but which should not be translated. For this reason you can select to lock any element or attribute when it is inserted into a TTK. This can be seen in the screenshot below. To lock an element or attribute select the lock in the options.

Parsing a Code Segment in an XML file

You may have an XML file that contains a code segment such a JavaScript etc. If you have a piece of JavaScript in your XML then the XML parser will not be able to parse the Java Script. To parse this you need to call a text parse rule. You can see the text parse rule being called in the screenshot below.

Above the Code Segment check box is selected to signify that I wish to use a text parse rule to parse a piece of Script in the XML file.

Next it is required that the text parse rule you wish to use to parse the Code Segment is specified. The parse rule I wish to use is specified under the *.js file extension in the text parse rules so I specify this under 'Type'. The rule I wish to use to parse the code segment is called JavaScript so I specify this under Parser.

By selecting preview you will be able to see how the text parse rule is used to parse the code segment in the XML file.


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Products or Versions Affected

  • Alchemy CATALYST 7.0  and greater