Use File Extract to build a localised version of a compiled CHM file. In order to build a complete and working CHM file, the Help Project File (HPP) has to be included in the Project TTK file.


image33.gif To insert a Help Project File (HPP) into a Project TTK

Extracting Files from a CHM Help Project

There are two options available when extracting help files from a Project TTK.

image33.gif Extract files only from a help file

image33.gif Extract files and compile localise CHM file

Alchemy CATALYST uses the Microsoft Help Compiler when creating localized CHM files. This can be installed on your machine by going to the TOOLS folder in the Alchemy CATALYST installation folder and launching HHUPD.EXE. This will install the Microsoft Help Compiler on your desktop.


You can also download the latest version of the Microsoft Help Compiler by clicking on this link: