To localize an XML document, a localization engineer needs to identify the parts of the document that require translation. In general, markup needs to be protected while data needs to be translated. While this may seem simple in principle, it can prove complex to clearly distinguish between translatable and non-translatable content. Herein lies the complexities associated with translating XML documents.

Alchemy CATALYST has developed a highly configurable solution to address these complexities and ensure that XML based files are translated quickly, efficiently and more importantly securely.

When viewing an XML document within the CATALYST environment, the following icons are used to denote the various XML elements and attributes.




This is the fundamental unit within an XML document. Elements can contain more elements, attributes and other markup. In this example, the name of the element is CHAPTER.




Attributes are data-value pairs within an XML document. In this example the attribute is called Nationality.


Text Blocks:


Textual content is always stored in #Text elements within an XML document. In most cases these are required to be translated.


Code Segment:


An XML document can contain an unlimited number of code segments, all of different types like JavaScript, ASP, Pearl etc. This icon is used to denote such a segment.


In-Line Elements/Tags:


These are elements that appear within blocks of data.