Alchemy CATALYST supports both source and binary JAVA files. In the case of binary files (e.g. .JAR, .EAR and .WAR files) these can be multilingual.

Language Identification for Properties Files

For language identification, a filename is given an underscore followed by the language post-fix. The language post-fix is similar to RFC1766, however it uses an underscore instead of a hyphen.

Examples for are as follows:-

Handling in Catalyst

Alchemy CATALYST  displays those *.properties files where the language post-fix matches the target language of the TTK. If no language post-fix is detected for a file (e.g., Alchemy CATALYST  will always display the file no matter what target language is selected.

For example, if the target language is set to French(Canada), with the above list of files present in the *.jar  file, only the would be visible in the Project Navigator pane. Changing the target language to German has the effect of hiding and displaying

By changing the target language in this way, each individual set of languages within a multi-lingual *.jar file may be processed separately.

Translating all languages in parallel

If a number of languages are present in a *.jar file. Alchemy CATALYST  should be used to process each language in turn, ending up with a completely translated multi-lingual *.jar file.

In order that each language be processed in parallel, a number of copies of the Catalyst TTK should be made (one for each language and one master copy). Each language copy can be translated at the same time.  When the translated TTKs are complete their content can be leveraged into the master copy, one language at a time.  

To do this, open the master TTK, set the language to French and leverage from the French TTK, then set the language to German and leverage from the German TTK, and so on until all languages have been leveraged into the master file.

The fully translated multi-lingual *.jar file can then be extracted from the master TTK.

Folder Handling in Catalyst

The folder structure within a *.jar file is always maintained. If the *.jar file is extracted from Catalyst, it will have exactly the same folder structure as it had when inserted.  There is no way to change this with Catalyst.

The Catalyst project *.ttk can have a folder structure, such that inserted files are organised in a hierarchy.  On extraction from Catalyst, the files within a TTK will follow the folder structure by default, but can be made to extract into a flat structure ignoring the TTK's hierarchy.