Use Publish to store localised content on an Alchemy Language Exchange server. This content can then be shared throughout your project team and re-used using the Leverage Expert. Additionally, a Language Exchange server can be configured as Active Translation Memory so that translators and engineers can view translation suggestions while they work.

To publish translations on a Language Exchange server, you need to specify the location where the translation is to be stored and then specify what you wish to publish. For example, a translator can publish translations to the Language Exchange server, while a localization engineer publishes co-ordinate information. This ensures that both engineer and translator work in parallel with each other helping to reduce project cycles.

image33.gif Where to Publish

image33.gif What to Publish

Working with Projects, Sub Projects and TM Names

image33.gif Creating/Deleting a Project location

image33.gif Creating/Deleting a Sub-Project location

image33.gif Creating/Deleting a TM (Translation Memory)